December 20, 2008

Streamyx vs Celcom Broadband

wahhh... streamyx tengah buat promotion Streamyx Combo... macam menarik ajaaa... senang sungguh... register online ja sekarang nih.. takyah sudah2 gi beratur bagai (amik nombor yg kadang2 ada jugak nombor berhantu.... panggil berkali2, tapi orgnya takde.. hehe)

meh tengok apa yg speselnya promo Streamyx Combo nih...

- Streamyx + Fixed Line = 1 Cheaper Rate
- No more rental for Fixed Line

- Applicable to existing fixed line owner and also new fixed line applicants
- All Streamyx COMBO packages come with Free Modem
- RM75 activation fee will be charged in the 1st bill for all streamyx packages.

- The contract is 1 year.
For new phone line application, you are required to email a copy of your IC to You will need to pay in the first bill the standard
charges of RM75 for deposit, RM50 for activation and RM10 for stamp duty.

RM30 cash to be paid to the TM contractor for installing the phone. If additional
wiring is needed, the charges will be RM50 or more.

Why Online Registration?

No queueing up at the TM Points!
- Save your time, save your money & save your effort

Register at your convenient time, wherever you are!
- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

We provide After Sales Support (Once Our Customer, Always Our Customer)
Whenever you face any problem with your streamyx or even your computer,
please feel free to call us, and we will try to help you to troubleshoot the problem
- You may call us from Sunday to Friday (off on Saturdays) from 9 AM to 11 PM.
- Just remember our easy-to-remember hotline number:
Tel: 013-4567890

We bear the Poslaju charges if there is a modem to be sent to you !
- We understand that most people are working during Poslaju delivery hours,
we can arrange for Poslaju to deliver to your work place or whereever convenient.

Save Installation Fee (We help you to save even more!)
- Choose self installation to save RM88 installation fee.
- We have guided all our customers to self install sucessfully. You will be 1 of them.
- If you still prefer our installation, the charges is RM88.
- To suit your time, we install at nights and weekends too.

haaaa...camna??? tak cukup menarik lagi kaaa??? tapikan..aku pun dah lama gak tringin nak try Celcom Broadband. Sebab apa? sebab kalo balik kampung, boley la aku usung sekali Celcom Broadband nih... bisnes online kan tak kira masa.. kira 24/7 kalo ada yg ni..boley la sesuka hati aku menenet di mana2... wifi? bukan semua tempat ada...dan kadang2 kalo ada pun, mcm nak taknak aja...asyik disconnected... pastu connection slow bagai... nak load satu2 page pun, mak aihhhh... jom kita tengok sat apa pulak yg speselnya pasai Celcom Broadband nih...

With the widest coverage, fastest speeds, and most affordable plans, Celcom Broadband lets you take charge of your broadband lifestyle whenever and wherever without any hassles. So you can now watch uninterrupted streaming videos, read and send emails or even do e-banking while having a quick lunch, all from your No. 1 mobile network.

terbaru dari Celcom Broadband...

Celcom Broadband Daily Unlimited- Sign Up, Surf And Save even more!

Enjoy unlimited and uninterrupted broadband connection at only RM6 for 24 hours from 28 October 08 – 28 January 09! It is our way of thanking all our loyal Broadband Daily Unlimited subscribers for continuously subscribing to our service.

The Broadband Daily Unlimited plan is not only affordable; you’ll get unlimited broadband connection so you can stay online wherever you are – anytime. Downloading your favourite songs and videos, surfing Facebook and chatting will be as easy as having your cake and eating it!

So subscribe today for this plan to enjoy high speeds and unlimited access – for only RM6/ 24 hours

atau nak testing yg ini pon macam menarik..tapi utk sesapa yg blum ada lappy and tgh merancang to have one... boleh la try...

Big Deal, Small Price.
Get instant high speed Internet connectivity anytime and anywhere with this fantastic deal.

Sign up today at any Celcom Branch, Blue Cube outlet or participating dealer near you.

For a limited time only. While stocks last. Upfront payment required.
Call Celcom Careline at 1-300 111 000 for more details.

Terms and conditions apply.

jadinya..tepuk poket, tanyalah bajet... yg mana sesuwai yer... sesuwai dgn poket... dan sesuwai dgn penggunaan kita...

errr... saya harap cikyon paham & memahami akan maksud iklan percuma saya ini...

sekian... hehehe

1 comment:

Amir said...

buleh saya bertanya.. macamana nak tukar packages/plan streamyx dari RM 20 sebulan untuk 10 jam ke RM 60 sebulan, melalui internet.....???


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